
I asked Ansar to help me to apply for a renewal visa. The application was successful. This was important for me because I can stay and live with my husband in London. I was very happy with [Usman from] Ansar because he is professional, kind and understanding, with a wide knowledge of immigration matters. I would highly recommend Ansar and I would definitely use them without hesitation. Many, many thanks for everything.” The client said (in Arabic): أنا من لبنان . طلبت من السيد أنصار أن يساعدني في تجديد إقامتي في لندن .الحمدلله تمت ألأمور بنجاح كبير وبسرعة غير متوقعة . تجديد الإقامة يهمني جداً لكي ابقى مع زوجي في لندن . السيد أنصار محام لديه الخبرة والكفاءة والمعرفة الجيدة في شؤون الهجرة .إنه محام صبور ومتفهم ومتجاوب .أنا انصح بالتعامل معه . شكراً جزيلاً لخدمته.

Applying for a renewal visa

I am an elderly person with health problems living alone in my country of origin, Venezuela. My son lives and works in the United Kingdom. Therefore I decided to ask Ansar to help me to apply for a visa through the appropriate legal channels, which would allow me to stay in this country with my son and his wife. The application was successful and all of our objectives were met with Ansar’s efficient help. This company gave us all their support and advice. Now I feel happy that everything has turned out so well. Because of this I recommend Ansar fully and I will always be grateful to them.

The client said (in Spanish):

“Soy una persona mayor, con problemas de salud, viviendo sola en mi país, Venezuela. Mi hijo vive y trabaja en el Reino Unido. De modo que decidi solicitar a Ansar que me ayudara en los tramites para obtener una Visa que me permitiera quedarme en ese país con el y su esposa. La solicitud fue exitosa y se consiguieron los objetivos con la eficiente ayuda de Ansar. Esta empresa nos brindo todo su apoyo y asesoramiento. Hoy dia me siento feliz de que todo haya salido muy bien. Por esto, los recomiendo ampliamente y siempre les estare agradecida.”

Elderly person applying for a visa

I asked Ansar to help me out with my application for asylum in the UK. I couldn’t be happier with the outcome. Ansar was compassionate, and professional and guided me through every step in the process for a successful outcome. This has been the most important part of my life and I am so very pleased that I had Ansar to help me.

My application for asylum

I asked Ansar to help me obtain an EEA Permanent Residence Card to stay in the UK. The application was successful. This was important for me because of my family issues. Usman at Ansar is a professional solicitor and very nice as a person! I was happy with him because he did more than his best as my case was so difficult. I did suggest him to my friends and their applications were successful as well! Hope to deal with you in future. Thank you so much Ansar. God bless you!

Difficult EEA Permanent Residence case

I asked Ansar to help me apply for an EEA family permit. The application was successful! I am very happy with Ansar because the process was explained clearly and the communication was very professional. I would like to thank Ansar for their work and for giving me the opportunity to be with my wife in London. I highly recommend Ansar to anyone that is looking to make a visa application.

EEA family permit to be with my wife in London

I applied for a Spouse visa to the UK authorities. They stated that they aimed to make a decision within 3 months. After 2 months I received a letter from them – they mentioned a Supreme Court case and said that they were unable to process my application so my case would be on hold. I received my documents back without a visa and without any explanation.

One of my London friends recommended Ansar. Before applying with Ansar, for 4 months I was really suffering – it was such a difficult situation, waiting really felt like it was killing me. I was stressed. Living separately put a lot of strain on me and my husband as a couple.

Within a month, Ansar sent 2 Pre action letters to the UK authorities and very soon after the second Pre action letter, they made a decision on my application and asked me to resubmit my passport for my visa.

I was very impressed with Ansar’s service. Wow. What a great experience. They were polite and professional and at very short notice they started to deal with my case. They were talking to me throughout to make sure I was informed about what was going on. They were kind, very patient and extremely professional – they were happy to answer any questions and help in any way they can.

I definitely recommend this law firm.

Pre action letters for a spouse visa
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